Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am indeed a shopaholic.....

I came home one day from a shopping spree at JoAnns - and you know, I had to go to Michaels, and Hobby Lobby too - Anyway....My sweet husband was about in tears - A little background - I just started really really getting into all this scrapbooking and paper crafting right before Christmas - So I NEEDED everything right NOW! LOL - So, husband was almost in tears - He had looked at the bank account online - He had gotten a raise and was checking to see how much he was going to put in savings - Well, he started adding everything up. Now, Ladies, I need for you to be sitting down when I tell you this next part. From March 1 - March 31 - I had spent $2,500 give or take a few bucks - He said 'It's all Hobby Lobby, Joann's, Michaels, and Paypal.....How did you spend THAT much in a month?!?!?!" I told him to just log off and forget about it. LOL I did NEED all that stuff! AND that a few of those paypals were his.....Needless to say, he doesn't check the bank balance anymore. He said that he knew I was spending alot, he just didn't know how much.
So, I'm also a shopaholic. There. I said it. Now....who wants to go shopping???? LOL


Teresa said...

Teresa! Please tell me you have made at least that much money selling the things you make with all you bought!! lol poor wonder he watches stupid shows on tv...he Needs something to take his mind off of your making him go broke! LOL
Love ya! Teresa

TeresaHickey said...

Lol. No haven't sold that much....